Week 39 - Spotify, making a transcription with Sibelius and studying Medieval music history

1. Stuff done this week Yeah! I'm proud to say that my band's debut album is now available from Spotify. It is rather an oldie (2 years old?) and I'm sort of embarrassed by the quality... but heck: I'm still proud! Please, feel free to check it out on Crimson Inc on Spotify. (Or rather: feel free to buy it, to sponsor my further musical education ;-). Further started mess around with the music notation software Sibelius to transcribe an Irish Traditional: The Galway Hornpipe. I used an audio file of this tune being played by my mandolin teacher. I believe it is pretty accurate. Haven't figured out how to add grace notes yet. The Galway Hornpipe transcribed by Nils Bruijel 2. Listening done this week I attempted a listening assigment. From the list of music pieces below I attempted to try to identify whether they were written in duple, triple or quadruple time. Tritsch Tratsch Polka (Johann Strauss) I found this rendition of Strauss ...