Week 3: Four Musical Instruments of the Renaissance

1. Stuff done this week - I researched how musical instruments are classified into groups or families. In this blog I present my notes on how these groups are defined. - I continued the timeline I presented in my blog of week 52. - I picked four instruments from the Renaissance and wrote brief descriptions of them. Notes are presented in this blog. 2. Classification of Musical Instruments Below, I present a formal classification of musical instruments. I based it on descriptions from the The Harvard Dictionary of Music (Randel, 2003): Strings: The stringed instruments (string section) of an orchestra. Woodwind: Wind instruments that have an enclosed, vibrating air column set into motion by a reed or by blowing across or through an aperture (example: flute). They are distinct from brass instruments, in which the air column is set into motion by the vibration of the player's lips. Keyboard instruments sounded by the same means as woodwinds, such as the organ, are ...