Week 8: Instrumental Music in the Renaissance

1. Stuff done this week - Practicing the Sycamore Rag by Scott Joplin on mandolin; it contains lots of syncopation....given me a headache figuring out upstroke - downstroke pattern. Catchy theme! - Studying another chapter from Burkholder et al. (2014). Notes are presented below. - Listening to Giovanni Gabrieli, Renaissance composer from the Venetian School. - Finishing recording of Crimson Inc's murder ballad Cold Black Ground . The final mix sounds alright. Found my harmonica wails to dominating in the tune, but rest of the band does not seem to mind it. 2. Listening done I was curious to listen to some compositions by Giovanni Gabrieli (ca. 1555-1612). This instrumental piece Canzon septimi toni a 8 features such a delightful and cheerful melody. This 2012 performance is by the Green Mountain Project. The ensemble features three violins, two cornettos, five sackbuts and continuo, split into two groups. The continuo consists of a chamber organ and two t...