Week 33: Writing Answering Phrases

This week, I now wrote answering melodic phrases for examples supplied by the Open College of the Arts during the Music Foundations course. For each two bar bar example, I wrote a two bar answering phrase to create a four bar melody. Here are my solutions: I am pleased with the line from bar 5, I thought the trill was a nice touch. I also wanted to emphasize the heroic character of the line by adding two intervals. It was inspired from my listening to Baroque music. This music contains many of such embellishments. Another assignment involved the composition of a two bar answering rhythm to an opening rhythm taken from the OCA Course guide . Then I expanded on this rhythm, creating an eight bar rhythmic theme. The aim was to create balance and a sense of completeness. This is the result: Next, the rhythmic theme was taken and converted to melody. The course guide recommended I start by establishing a framework, setting some variables using my know...